Monday, September 20, 2010

The Lost Girls

Chelsie and I stumbled upon "The Lost Girls" during one of our many trips to Barnes and Noble this past summer (we really did A LOT of travel planning there). The cover and title caught my eye and after I read the book's description I grabbed Chelsie and said, "We HAVE to read this book!"

"High above a waterfall in the Argentinean jungle, three friends made a pact. Struggling with uncertainty about their paths in life, they agreed to quit their glamorous New York City jobs, ditch their apartments, put their relationships on hold, and embark on a yearlong round-the-world search for answers. Authentic and uplifting, The Lost Girls will inspire anyone who has ever questioned the track she or he is following or longed to strike out in a new direction."

We might not have made our pact above a waterfall in the Argentinean jungle or have glamorous New York City jobs (at least not yet) but we made a pact nonetheless and we did it for the exact same reasons Jennifer, Holly and Amanda do in the book, even though our circumstances are a little different.

The story, divided into sections and told by all three girls about their year-long trip around the world really hit home for me. Not only because they are dealing with a lot of the same issues and feelings of uncertainty I am having at this time in my life, but also because reading about their experiences while traveling gave me a preview of what our own trip will be like. Their stories include scary moments, funny memories, times that bonded them forever and also times they had to get away from each other! The girls are easy to identify with and remind me of my own friends and myself. The book brings up many of the issues young women will encounter while traveling, including everything from safety concerns to how many night out dresses you can fit in a backpack (Lost Girls Verdict: Not very many).

I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves to travel, especially girls in their twenties. The book is exceptionally well written and made me laugh, reflect and get really excited to leave everything behind for a little while!

Also, check out the Lost Girls Website. What started as their travel blog has turned into a travel and lifestyle resource!


  1. This is so cool. It always surprises me how often there are either songs, books, or shows that reflect peoples life to a tee. I definitely want to read this now, especially if it touches on the uncertainty we all are having right now when we are about to graduate. I may not be traveling but I think it would be very helpful.

  2. Hopefully after your trip you can write a best selling book on your experiences. Then, after you make tons of money, you can take me, your favorite person in the world, on a trip just like the one from the book!

  3. I need to make a trip to B&N ASAP! But this book will probably be very dangerous... I have thought about ditching everything to travel already, but I can't ditch my job right now. LOL. I just started!

    Thanks for the recommendation!
